
2018/4/16 20:42:29山东用友

产品版本: 1016-用友T6-小企业管理软件 5.0 适用产品: T6系列
产品模块: 15-采购管理 提交时间: 2012-06-12
问题现象: 在录入BOM子件时无法参照存货档案

通过跟踪发现,是执行查询语句select (Inventory.cInvCode) as cInvCode,cInvAddCode,cInvName,cInvStd,(Inventory.cInvCCode) as cInvCCode,(Inventory.dSDate) as dSDate,(Inventory.dEDate) as dEDate  from Inventory  left join ComputationUnit on ComputationUnit.cComUnitCode=Inventory.cComunitCode  where ((cinvcode like '%cm%' OR cinvname like '%cm%' OR cinvaddcode like '%cm%') and   (isnull( iPlanPolicy,0)=1 or isnull( iPlanPolicy,0)=0 or isnull( iPlanPolicy,0)=2) and bService = 0 And bInvType = 0  And isnull(dEDate,'2010-11-16 00:00:00.000') >= '2010-11-16 00:00:00.000' And (1=1) ) and (1=1) Order by cInvCode ASC 时不满足条件,存货档案中默认 iPlanPolicy值为-1。



将所有存货的 iPlanPolicy列修改为0或者1或者2。update inventory set  iPlanPolicy=1

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